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Podcast #420: iPad Review

Everyone must be aware by now that Apple has released a new product called the iPad.  It's selling pretty well and, according to some, may become the next big thing in technology. We've had a chance to play with it for a while, so we'll give you our take on it. Our biggest question: How does it apply to the HDTV and Home Theater market?  There have big some huge fads in the past, and some have been huge duds.  We'll let you know if the iPad makes the grade.

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Podcast #419: Dell Inspiron Zino HD 

By now you know that Ara has built himself a nice HTPC out of a Mac Mini. We've received a bunch of email asking us to define a similar system using a PC. There far more options using a PC than a Mac and they come in all shapes and sizes. Ara touted size and quiet operation as a major factor in his love of the Mac Mini. So when we saw that Dell had a box that was roughly the same size as a Mac Mini we ordered one and put it through its paces. The Dell Inspiron Zino HD we bought cost $747, about $150 more than the Mac Mini. The Dell comes with something you can't get on a Mac, a Blu-ray drive.

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Blu Ray Top Ten Countdown 03-29-2010

Our Semi Monthly countdown of the top ten Blu Ray titles as measured by Today's show is based on sales as of Friday March 26th.

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Podcast #418: Front Projector Technologies

We have to admit, we got a little giddy when we got an email from Jason asking us to go over the various technology options available for front projector home theaters.  With rear projection television fading into the sunset, we don't often get the opportunity to talk about the various merits of LCD, DLP, and LCoS projection technologies anymore.  It'll be like the good old days.

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Podcast #417: ZVOX 575 Single-Cabinet Surround Sound System

We understand that many of our listeners don't have the space for a full blown home theater system. However, those same listeners don't necessarily want to listen to their movies through the TVs tiny speakers. For them a single unit solution is what the doctor ordered. The ZVOX 575 (Buy Now $699) is such a system that takes all of 10 minutes to un-box and start enjoying fuller richer sound from your home theater.

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Blu Ray Top Ten Countdown

Our Semi Monthly countdown of the top ten Blu Ray titles as measured by Today's show is based on sales as of Friday February 26th. 

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