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Podcast #411: Aperion Audio Home Audio Link (HAL)

Pretty much since we have been doing the HDTV and Home Theater Podcast we have had listeners ask us about wireless solutions. We have been pretty happy with products from Rocketfish™ and AudioEngine. Today we take a look at the Aperion Audio Home Audio Link (HAL) which will transmit high quality uncompressed audio up to 100 feet.

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Podcast #410: The Details Behind 3D TV

Far be it from us to stay away from the latest juicy new idea in home theater technology, 3D.  It's been all over the news and the blogs for a while, recently culminating with a huge display at CES.  Whether or not the technology actually catches on is a discussion for a different day.  Today we're going to talk about the technology behind it.

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Podcast #409: LED TV Technology

When we first started our podcast there were five competing technologies vying for your living room. Today its pretty much down to LCD and Plasma. Most would say LCD is running away with the market but Plasma is hanging in there. So what about LED? LED is not a new TV technology but rather a different way to light the LCD. A Liquid Crystal Display is a glass panel that works by controlling the opacity of segments of itself by varying the electrical signal. Each individual segment, called a pixel, acts as a shutter to control the amount of light being passed through. The light source is what we will be focusing on today

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Special Edition Podcast

Interview with Clint DeBoer of AudioHolics. Discussion of Lexicon $3500 Blu Ray player

It's an Oppo BDP-83. Normally we'd launch into a statement like this with more tact. We may, for example, wax eloquent about the Lexicon BD-30's beautiful chassis or it's billet aluminum front face. We could tell you about the heft of the unit, or the fact that comes double boxed with enough padding to warrant throwing it off the FedEx or UPS truck while it's still moving. While all of that is true, the Lexicon BD-30 is still an Oppo BDP-83 Blu-ray Player. And what's more, it's not just using the same parts - they actually stuck the player inside - chassis and all. This would be OK, were it not for the $3000 premium and THX certification. As Sherlock Holmes would say: The game is afoot! Entire Article...

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Podcast #408: CES Roundup

We decided to once again make the trek out to Las Vegas to get our own impression of all the hype coming out of CES.  We didn't go last year, and we missed it a little, so we had to go this year.  By far the biggest theme of the show this year was 3D.  Some of what we saw was really good, some was really bad and of course some was just downright strange.

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Podcast #407: Preview of CES 2010

We know its kind of late to be talking about what we expect to see at CES since there is only two days left of the show, but what the heck. Here we go!

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