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Podcast #423: Home Theater Market Trends

Every so often we like to take a look at the top sellers at in various Home Theater categories.  We use this information as a thermometer to roughly gauge the market as a whole.  At least that's what our crack market research team tells us we can do.  There are always some interesting tidbits of information that emerge.

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Blu Ray Top Ten Countdown 04-26-2010

Our Semi Monthly countdown of the top ten Blu Ray titles as measured by Today's show is based on sales as of Friday April 23rd

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Podcast #422: Sonos S5 Review

We're big fans of being able to listen to your music in any and every room in your house. In the past that meant connecting your multi zone receiver to speakers placed throughout your house. Sonos makes the entire process a snap. Each Sonos S5 ZonePlayer is a 5 speaker system with an all digital design that produces high quality audio.

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Episode #4: AV After Dark

Braden's computer cut out early in the podcast so it's only Tom and Ara this time. Netflix weighs in heavily in this podcast with a bit on their migration to the Wii and how they've signed more deals that delay new releases. What does that mean for you now and what do Ara and Tom think that holds for the future? Ara has some suggestions on HD Camcorders. What is the real cost of 3D? How will they get you to buy? Would you shop at a Brick and Mortar Circuit City? Thanks for listening.

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Podcast #421: Logitech Squeezebox Touch Review

Sure it's the HDTV and Home Theater Podcast, but we like to dabble a little in the peripheral edges of home theater from time to time.  One such area is whole house audio.  Braden has a whole house system based on Logitech Squeezebox devices and their Squeezbox Server software.  Logitech recently released a new Squeezebox Touch player, so of course, we wanted to try it out.

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Blu Ray Top Ten Countdown 04-12-2010

Our Semi Monthly countdown of the top ten Blu Ray titles as measured by Today's show is based on sales as of Friday March 26th.

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