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Blu Ray Top Ten Countdown 06-21-2010

Our Semi Monthly countdown of the top ten Blu Ray titles as measured by Today's show is based on sales as of Friday June 18th

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Podcast #430: Pioneer VSX-820-K Audio/Video Receiver

Every Fall, just before Christmas, we do a receiver buying guide to help our audience decide on what to buy. Last Fall our value receiver was an Onkyo SR607 which sold for $320. After spending time with the Pioneer VSX-820-K ($280) we have a new king! The VSX-820-K is a 5.1 system that has 4 HDMI inputs and does next generation audio.

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Podcast #429: TV Specs and Settings - Are they for real?

There is a great article at Maximim PC by Dr. Raymond Soneira called "Display Myths Shattered: How Monitor & HDTV Companies Cook Their Specs."  We're going to distill it down to a few soundbites and add a little bit of HT Guys color commentary along the way.  But if you find the information interesting or useful, we would encourage you to read the full article.

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Blu Ray Top Ten Countdown 06-07-2010

Our Semi Monthly countdown of the top ten Blu Ray titles as measured by Today's show is based on sales as of Friday June 4th

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Podcast #428: Aperion Audio SLIMstage30 by Soundmatters

The HT Guys love simplicity and sound bars are exactly that, simple to setup and use. Today we take a look at a new entrant into the field, the Aperion Audio SLIMstage 30 (Street Price $799). Sound bars are great solutions for small rooms, bedrooms, or dens. The SLIMstage 30 is sleek, compact, and when using the Bravus 8A subwoofer, a powerful sound system. If you already have a subwoofer you can save $200 by ordering the same system without the 8A. Each version comes with mounting brackets in case you want to attach the sound bar to the wall just below or above your flat panel TV.

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Episode #5: AV After Dark

No technical difficulties this time so you have all three of us for the entire show! We talk a bit about TV past, present, and future. We have some ideas for what to get your home theater lovin father. Can you game Pandora? We talk about our voting strategies. Ara asks, "Is it OK to record the Pandora One Stream"? Best Buy and Tivo team up. Is that a good thing? Finally, we talk low cost receivers. Thanks for listening.

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