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Podcast #494: Reflections, Streaming Movies and IFA

IFA is essentially the Consumer Electronics Show of Europe. It is held in Berlin Germany and is attended by most of the same companies that attend CES. Although we couldn’t attend this year. We have been eagerly eyeing press releases coming over from Germany. Here are a few that caught our attention.

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Podcast #493: Step by Step DIY Home Automation

Many of our listeners have lights on timers so that their homes look lived in when they are away or so they don’t come into a dark home. With the end of Summer and day light savings quickly approaching, we thought it would be a good idea to give you some step by step tips for home automation so you never have to reset your timers again!

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Podcast #492: Projectors and Mistakes

Have you ever wondered what the biggest mistakes are that people make when buying a new HDTV?  Or perhaps you're looking for ideas for projectors to use in your home theater.  Forget that, you want to know how to get NFL Sunday Ticket on your PS3.  We've got all that and more on an action packed episode of the HDTV and Home Theater Podcast.  And for your reference, the answer is 22 minutes.

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Podcast #491: Portable Media Streamers

A trend that we have been following for a while now is portability of your media. In the future many believe that the cloud will house all our media and make it available to us everywhere we go. But until we have universal high speed access at low costs we will remain dependent on physical storage. The current crop of portable devices have at most 64GB of storage so often you have to compromise on what media you take with you.

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Podcast #490: PlayLater by MediaMall Technologies

Have you ever sat down to watch a TV Show or Movie at your favorite streaming site, only to find that what you wanted to watch is no longer available? Sure, maybe you saw it just yesterday, but for some reason it has disappeared now. If so, you’ll want to check out a new application called PlayLater by MediaMall Technologies, the makers of PlayOn.

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Podcast #489: MOHU Paper Thin HDTV Antenna

We’ve been talking about cutting the cord quite a bit lately.  One of the primary components required is a TV antenna so you can pick up all the free digital goodness flying through the airways. If you are those lucky enough to live within 30 miles of your TV Transmitters then we have discovered probably the best thing you’ll ever plug into your HDTV. Its the paper thin HDTV antenna made by MOHU and it goes for $44 (Buy Now) and its made in the USA.

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