Rise of the Planet of the Apes - Blu-ray Review #11
James Franco headlines the reboot of the immensely popular Planet of the Apes franchise, a prequel which boasts cutting-edge CGI effects and a gripping story set in modern-day San Francisco, where scientists are conducting genetic research on apes. The evolved primates, including Caesar (Andy Serkis), develop advanced intelligence and revolt against being used as lab rats, unleashing a war for dominion over Earth. Buy Now $22.99
Reader Comments (5)
When did Rodney change his name to "Ray"? You see, I'm one of those people who watches/listens through the closing credits. I haven't seen this movie yet but it would have been amusing if they had a newspaper or TV reference in the background to Charlton Heston's/Marky Mark's space ship blasting off.
I realize that in a short format like this there can only be a limited number of hosts but, in general, I'd like to hear more from Braden. Not only is he hilarious, he also asks the questions and makes the comments I'd most like to hear. The problem for me with a BD review show is that I'm going to buy the movies I'm going to buy regardless of the review. The "second tier" stuff will come from Netflix. And the Long Wait stuff doesn't really bother me, I'm just not going to go to a Red Box because we're just talking about second tier stuff anyway. Which, sadly, is the vast majority of the crap, er, "movies" made.
OK, might as well get it all off my chest. The Guys are spread out all over the Flavor Of The Month social media; their website, Facebook, Twitter and now Google Plus. As much as I love the Guys (and I can once again say I've never missed an episode of the main show) I'm not chasing. I come to only this one website when I want to know more about something. One place, period. Aggregate here, please, or at least pick one place I can bookmark.
Please take these as suggestions, not criticisms!
I thoroughly enjoy the Blu-ray reviews. The reviews answer the Three Blu-ray Unknows:
1) Is it a good movie?
2) What is the picture quality?
3) Is the audio awesome?
I take #1 as a guideline. I will not bother to even rent a movie that isn't above average. I never buy a Blu-ray unless I I like the movie itself. If I like the movie, I want to know in advance if the Blu-ray has good audio and video. Why? Because I use Redbox for disc rental, and they don't always have Blu-ray in stock. For example I just watched Margin Call on DVD. Also, a lot of my rentals are instant streaming...which doesn't tell me anythng about the quality of the Blu-ray production.
I'm glad the Guys have a presence at multiple outlets. It's called marketing and it helps them expand and grow their audience, so that someday they might be doing this job full time.
I love the BD reviews keep them coming!!!!!
What a f-ing train wreck !
Did you even listen to this before you put it out?
There is a difference between casual and stupid.
You know even less about movies than you do about home theater.
"B.J. and the Bear"? "Any which way but loose"?
Your sponsor ,KEF, better not hear this slop.
Now George, you know you're not supposed to stay up past your bedtime - you get so cranky! Now run along and brush your teeth and get into that big old bed with Mr. Snuggles...