
Real Steel - Blu-ray Review #15
In a future world where flesh-and-blood boxers have been replaced by towering mechanized fighters, pugilist-turned-promoter Charlie Kenton reconnects with his estranged son, Max, to convert a discarded machine into a World Robot Boxing contender. (Buy Now $24.99)
Reader Comments (4)
I know there are many who enjoy your Blu-ray reviews. That's great, they should, you do a good job. What about those who don't care to hear them? Do you have any plans to break those in to a separate feed?
Hi Dave,
We don't plan on creating a separate feed. When we have done that in the past we get way more people asking us to put it into the main feed. I am sorry for any inconvenience the extra download may cause you.
Thanks for listening to the show!
I, for one, do enjoy the Blu-Ray reviews. One can always just skip a podcast if you don't like it (I manage my queue manually, so it's not an issue for me).
I just rented and watched Real Steel based in large part due to your review. Although I didn't have real high expectations (your review notwithstanding), I was surprised at how enjoyable the film was. I was expecting to roll my eyes all through the movie.
Yes, there were portions that were very contrived and cornball. However, they managed to pull of a pretty good movie that is way more about a man learning what it means to be a father than rock 'em sock 'em robots. Even my wife really got into it and said she was recommend it (she is a nurse who works with first-time parents below the poverty line). My daughter came in after the first half of the movie and did find it all too corny/unbelievable, but I think that's because the first half "sells" you on the idea that this all could be real.
Anyway - thanks guys for the reviews. I've added several in my Netflix queue just because of your take on them.
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. It is one of my favorite movies of all time. I love boxing and robots so what a perfect combination. This movie had spectacular sound and video especially on my 100" projector. I thought Hugh Jackman did a great job of portraying a jerk and the kid took him head on. Great movie from start to finish.