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Podcast #617: CES 2014

Early January every year, it seems the entire consumer electronics industry descends upon Las Vegas, NV for the annual pilgrimage to CES. We decided to make a virtual pilgrimage this year, but have a lot of exiting news and product announcements to share.

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Podcast #616: HDTV Predictions for 2014

Time for the HT Guys to look into our crystal ball and try and predict the HDTV and Home Theater landscape for 2014. Our crystal ball is never as clears as a good HDTV but we give it a shot nonetheless.

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Podcast #615: Prediction Results for 2013

At the start of each new year we look into our high def crystal ball to make our best predictions on what we think the coming year will bring in the way of HDTV and Home Theater. The ball tends to be a bit cloudy, and each year we struggle to even get close to 50%. So let’s take a look at how we thought 2013 would shake out to see how we did.

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Podcast #614: Ultimate Home Theater in a Box

There are so many Home Theater in a Box systems out there many of which cost less than $400. But seriously, what can you get for $400. A good center channel typically costs more than most HTIB systems on the market today. Each year we try to assemble a Home Theater in many boxes that we would be proud to show off in our homes. Our system will have at a minimum a HDTV, Blu-ray Player, Receiver, and 5.1 speakers.

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Podcast #613: HDTV Buying Guide 2013

If you happen to be lucky enough to have budget for a new HDTV this Christmas, but still aren’t sure which one to buy, we’ve got you covered. We’re back with another annual edition of the HDTV buying guide. Staying true to form, we’re going to break the sets down into categories by screen size, just like we did last year.

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Podcast #612: AV Receiver Buying Guide 2013

It is that time of year where we get to spend your money again! We kick off our holiday buying guides with receivers. Our goal with these guides is not necessarily about getting the latest product. Its about getting a good product at a great price so you may see some of last year’s gear on the list. All these receivers are readily available online or at a big box store.

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