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Podcast #647: Home Automation in the Cloud and IFTTT

We're starting to see a strong push to merge two of the hot topics in technology today, the smart home and the cloud. As home automation moves to cloud enabled devices and services, it certainly gets easier for the average user to install. But does that convenience come at the cost of performance, flexibility or reliability? Perhaps, like MP3 audio and streamed video, it won't matter. Convenience could trump quality once again.

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Podcast #646: Interview with Mohu CEO Mark Buff

Ara has the Mohu Sky HD antenna on his roof and is picking up signals from Los Angeles (55 miles) and San Diego (90 miles) away. Today we talk to the Mark Buff of Mohu about his company and the cutting edge technology they use, as well as the yet to be released, crowd funded Mohu Channels product.

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Podcast #645: 4K TV Options

4K or UltraHD technology is starting to approach mainstream, and the options for 4K TVs is getting better all the time. In a quick glance at the choices selling right now at, we were surprised to see how many there are, and how affordable the have quickly become. Of course, Vizio isn’t in the list yet, so if you’re waiting for that like a certain HT Guy might be, you’ll have to keep waiting. But if you need a new TV now, 4K might be within reach.

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Podcast #644: Pioneer VSX-44 Elite 7.2 Home Theater Receiver

Back in May of 2013 we reviewed one of Pioneer’s entry Elite models the VSX-70. At that time we were impressed with the sound quality but the MSRP of $750 may have been a barrier for some. Now Pioneer has introduced two new entry Elites (VSX-80 MSRP $700 and VSX-44 MSRP $500) that have more capability and lower prices. We take a closer look at the VSX-44.

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Podcast #643: Oppo BDP-103D Blu-ray Player, Darbee Edition Review

Oppo Digital has long been a favorite of the HT Guys. There have certainly been more expensive and exotic Blu-ray players built, but we’re yet to find a competitor that packs the functionality and features of an Oppo, with the same build quality at the same price. Dollar for dollar, Oppo makes what is probably the best Blu-ray player you should ever need to buy.

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Podcast #642: Interview with Mark Ely, CEO of SimpleTV

There has been a lot in the news about cutting the cord lately especially in light of the recent supreme court decision regarding Aereo’s business model. We learned that its a copyright infringement if a company leases you equipment that captures OTA signals, transcodes them and then sends them to you via the Internet. But its not against the law if you do that yourself. There are a few products on the market that can do this. One of them is Simple.TV.

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