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Podcast #792: Tivo Update, One Year Later…

Last May, on Episode 740, we talked about moving to a Tivo based system for home television instead of a (typically) much more expensive standard Cable or Satellite package. We built our system around the Tivo Bolt and a few Tivo Minis for whole-house DVR. The idea was that if we could get rid of all the Cable company or Satellite company boxes and just get down to the one CableCard needed for the Bolt, we could drastically reduce our monthly television bill. Braden has been living the experiment for the last year. So is it all we thought it would be?

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Podcast #791: LeEco uMax85 Ecotv

We at the HT Guys are always striving to find TVs that can closely mimic the experience that a projector gives you. Shortly after CES we discussed the LeEco uMax85 Ecotv which, from a screen size perspective, is identical to a projector experience for all but those with a dedicated theater room. The uMax85 is a whopping 85 inches, 4K, supports wide color and HDR and only costs $5,500! No way you’re getting a 4K HDR projector for that much!

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Podcast #790: Hulu Live TV Beta

This week Hulu released their paid beta for live TV. That means you have the privilege of paying $40 a month to help them find their bugs. But in all honesty it's actually pretty good minus a few user interface issues that should get buzzed out with feedback from everyone paying $40 a month. The interface was intuitive and made sense. Hulu is already somewhat organized around TV shows, so it feels like a bit of an app-based DVR. Add live content behind that and it simply feels like it belongs there. You don’t feel like you have two separate sides to the same app. Live TV flowed seamlessly in the interface.

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Podcast #789: 2016 - 2017 TV Show Scorecard

Each TV Season we like to preview the shows that are coming up as well as wrap up the year with which shows are coming back. On today’s show we’ll go through the major networks and give you the information you need to determine whether it's worth binging on a show this Summer. We’ll also cover some shows from the cable networks as well as streaming services like Amazon and Netflix.

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Podcast #788: Smart Home Tech and Hulu TV

We discuss a couple interesting takes on how to use smart home technology to enable those who may not otherwise want to jump into something so “techie.” Voice control alone could be huge for many as they age or those with serious injuries or disabilities.

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Podcast #787: YouTube TV

Youtube has just entered the IPTV market and if you live in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco Bay Area, Chicago, or Philadelphia you can sign up today. Like the other IPTV services available you can sign up for only $35 a month with no commitments and you can cancel anytime. Unlike the other services there is only one plan with a few add on channels.

Download this Episode.

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