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Podcast #822: Ultimate Home Theater in a Box for 2017

Each year we design a Home Theater setup that is considerably better than a typical home theater in a box. We have seen complete setups for less than $500 from manufacturers like Sony and Panasonic that quite frankly do not sound good. While our system costs more than a name brand HTIB your satisfaction will be dramatically more. Plus we include EVERYTHING you need to actually setup a home theater. Minimum components for our system are a HDTV, Blu-ray Player, Receiver, and 7.1 speakers.

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Podcast #821: HDTV Buying Guide 2017

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas and whether you celebrate Christmas, a different holiday, or nothing at all, we can all agree that somehow getting a new HDTV in your life on or around the 25th of December would be a good thing. If you happen to be lucky enough to have budget for a new HDTV this Christmas season, but still aren’t sure which one to buy, we’ve got you covered. We each pick three TVs and one ultimate HDTV present for you to consider.

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Podcast #820: Receiver Buying Guide 2017

This week we get to spend your money on a new receiver for your home theater. Our goal with these guides is not necessarily about getting the latest product. It's about getting a good product at a great price so you may see some of last year’s gear on the list. All these receivers are readily available online or at a big box store. We each pick four receivers in increasing price culminating in one ‘money's no object’ / ‘dare to dream’ receiver for you to consider. Note - These receivers have a ton of features which we won’t be able to discuss in their entirety. So we have included links to the manufacturer's pages for your convenience. Prices stated are street prices from online retailers.

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Podcast #819: What we're thankful for '17

Each year at this time of year we do a show where we discuss what we are thankful for. There are the obvious things to be thankful for like our families, especially our wives who put up with our home theater obsessions. And of course we are thankful for you, the listener/reader of our show. So as is tradition over the last many Thanksgivings, on today's show we give you our list of consumer electronics things we are thankful for.

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Podcast #818: Black Friday 2017

Another year passes, another Black Friday approaches. This year there are some exceptional deals out there. The question is where to you put your focus. We are focusing on TVs since many want to upgrade to 4K HDR. There are some really good ones out there. We also throw in some UHD Players and home automation to round out the list.

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Podcast #817: Modulus 4K Media Server

If Kaleidescape, Roku, TiVo, AnyDVD, Alexa, PlayOn, Sonos, UEI and Plex had a baby … it might look like an M1 media server from Modulus. One of the showstoppers at CEDIA Expo 2016 and 2017, thing lets you play, stream, record, store and share virtually any type of media from one box - no switchers and complicated installations required.

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