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Podcast #452: Logitech Revue and Google TV

We have talked in the past about the various options for streaming content to your TV and Google TV always emerges as one of those options.  In fact, we’re on record as saying that Google TV may even revolutionize the consumer electronics industry by becoming the base operating system TVs and Blu-ray players are built on.  When we got the opportunity to review the Logitech Revue, we jumped at the chance.

Dolby Ultimate Home Entertainment Contest

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Podcast #451: Nixeus Fusion HD Review

We love Media players! So when we we given the opportunity to review yet another player we took it. By the way, with so many players on the market it can become difficult to know all the players. Thanks to a cool spreadsheet that Veronica Belmont got started its a bit easier. Check out the Networked & Set Top Boxes Google spreadsheet. Its like a program for set top boxes!

Dolby Ultimate Home Entertainment Contest

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Podcast #450: Networked & Set Top Box Master List

Today we have a short interview with Veronica Belmont of Tekzilla. We talk about a Google Document she created, and handed over to everyone, that compiles a list of everything you want to know about almost every set top box out there.

Dolby Ultimate Home Entertainment Contest 

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Podcast #449: Epson MovieMate 85HD

We typically have some sort of backyard or outdoor theater discussion every summer when the weather is nice and we’d all like to take our movie watching to the great outdoors. We didn’t do one this year, but maybe that’s a good thing. Epson recently released the MovieMate 85HD, a perfect backyard theater projector. But it’s good for much more than just outside, so you can even use it during the rainy season.

Dolby Ultimate Home Entertainment Contest

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Episode #6: AV After Dark

Its been a while but now that Tom has settled in down under we thought it would be fun to bring you another installment of AV After Dark. You can find AV Rant at their website ( We really enjoy these collaborations and hope you do too. Thanks to listener Ted for both the Intro and Outro music. Check out more of his work at You can find both the HT Guys and AV Rant iPhone app in the iTunes music store.


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Podcast #448: Apple's Airplay

Its no secret that we both love our whole house audio systems. Judging from the email we get its pretty clear our listeners like whole house audio as well. Braden uses the Logitech Squeezebox setup and I use Apple’s Airport Express. We tested and really like Sonos as well.  So when Apple introduced their latest sharing technology called Airplay, we were intrigued to see what it offers over existing technologies.

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