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Podcast #514: CES 2012: Part 2

It's never enough to just talk about CES, we have to put eyes on all the goodies for ourselves. This year we did a whirlwind, one day, Vegas and back, Consumer Electronics Show supertrip. We hit the show on the final day and it was awesome. All the technology was the same, the TVs didn't look any different than they did on Monday, but all the crowds had left and there were almost no lines for any of the demos.

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Moneyball - Blu-ray Review #14

An all-star cast brings to life the true story of Billy Beane (Brad Pitt), a former jock turned general manager who uses unconventional methods to bring the best players to the Oakland A's, a major league baseball team struggling against financial hardship. (Buy Now $19.99)

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Podcast #513: CES 2012: Part I

It's that time of the year again, time to pack up and head out to Vegas, baby, Vegas for another Consumer Electronics Show. CES always has something fun and memorable in store for us, and we're sure 2012 won't be any different. We haven't actually left yet, so for this show we're telling you about what we've heard.  Next week, on Part II, we'll tell you about what we've seen.

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Contagion - Blu-ray Review #13

Soon after her return from a business trip to Hong Kong, Beth Emhoff dies from what is a flu or some other type of infection. Her young son dies later the same day. Her husband Mitch however seems immune. Thus begins the spread of a deadly infection. For doctors and administrators at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, several days pass before anyone realizes the extent or gravity of this new infection. They must first identify the type of virus in question and then find a means of combating it, a process that will likely take several months. As the contagion spreads to millions of people worldwide, societal order begins to break down as people panic. Buy Now $24.99

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Podcast #512: What's Hot Right Now (2012 Time Capsule)

We often look back at the technologies and prices of years gone by with shock and amazement.  Instead of simply trying to remember what things were like “back then” we thought it might make sense to put together a snapshot of the current HDTV landscape we can refer back to in the future.

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Podcast #511: HDTV and Home Theater Predictions for 2012

2011 was in some ways a wild year for HDTV and home theater, but in many other ways, fairly uneventful. We didn’t fare so well in our 2011 predictions, so we’re back this year with a vengeance. A lot of thought, research and soul searching went into these and we’re really hoping for a better than 50% score this year. Without further ado, the HT Guys HDTV and home theater predictions for 2012.

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