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Podcast #534: Show-off Blu-rays and Father's Day Gift Guide

It's that time of year again where Dads get to to have the spotlight for a whole day! If you are like us, the love of your family is all you need to make your day worth it! But if the family insists on getting you something it may as well be something that you will enjoy. After all, who needs another tie!  Print out this page and leave it someplace where the family can find it. Our goal was to create a list that didn’t break the bank so even your teenagers could find something that would make you smile!

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Podcast #533: Amazon, Dishtenna and Google Chromebox

Google has been making slow and somewhat quiet attempts to enter the Operating System space for a while. The last major concerted effort manifested as a new form of netbooks running the Google Chrome operating system dubbed Chromebooks. These new netbooks were supposed to be a huge hit, but haven’t quite taken off yet. Samsung recently announced an upgrade to the Chromebook line as well as a twist on the Chromebook with a new offering called the Chromebox.

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Podcast #532: Cable Show 2012 and D-Link MovieNite

Each year cable industry people meet to discuss topics like multi-screen video services, cloud-based business applications, and innovations in personalized content delivery. The Cable show is like CES for cable operators. On today’s show we’ll discuss a few items that may have impact on your HDTV experience.

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Podcast #531: Quantum Dot Display Technology

OLED TVs may have stolen the show at CES 2012, but just when you think it’s safe to be an early adopter and pick one up, you might want to hold off. There’s a new display technology on the horizon that backers claim will not only outperform OLED, but also be cheaper to manufacture. And it has a much cooler name - it’s called Quantum Dot display or QLED. And if that doesn’t sound like you’re living in the future, we don’t know what does.

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Podcast #530: Harman Kardon AVR 2650

Ever since we saw (or better yet heard) our first demo of Dolby Volume we couldn't wait to find a reason to upgrade one of our receivers with this capability. That's going on four years now! So when Ara's Yamaha "Broke" he thought what better excuse to buy a receiver with Dolby Volume. The receiver he settled on was the Harman Kardon 2650.

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Podcast #529: Google Drive and Outdoor Theater Screens

Updated on May 6 by Registered CommenterHT Guys

Until recently, it felt like the weather was changing here in Southern California. We clicked over to daylight savings time; we had a few days of nice, sunny BBQ weather and it felt like the season of backyard movies was upon us. Since then it's gotten a bit gloomy again, but we always like to be prepared, so we've put together a list of screen options for you if you finally want to make the jump into outdoor cinema.

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