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Podcast #552: DIY Cabling, 4K TVs and Sci-Fi Movies

This episode covers a wide range of topics, from various DIY ways to hide cables in your home theater to why 4K is more important than 3D, but maybe not as important as TV manufacturers would hope.  We close out with a discussion on Sci-Fi movies and the role Science Fiction has played in shaping home theater and consumer electronics.  Ok, maybe not, but it sounds good.

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Podcast #551: The CD Player Turns 30

The HT Guys decided to do a little look back on the digital format that changed the music industry, and set the stage for other formats that would change the movie industry as well. We knew back when it came out that the CD was going to be huge, we probably couldn't have guessed just how huge.

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Podcast #550: Solid Signal HD Blade

Every time we publish a story about cutting the cord we get a ton of interest. Whether it be a new online service or a new antenna to be used for pulling in free, over-the-air HD signals, our listeners and readers respond with great feedback. So when we found out about a new indoor antenna called the HD Blade we were excited about putting it through its paces.

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Podcast #549: Black Friday 2012 Predictions

Black Friday 2012 is coming. In about two months the deal seeking crowds will descend upon stores like Walmart, Target and Best Buy with reckless abandon, gobbling up every deal they can get to before supplies run out. If you’re lucky enough to get to the electronics section without being trampled, you can usually find some pretty good deals. But will they be good enough to wait for if you really want that new TV right away?

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Podcast #548: CEDIA 2012

Each year CEDIA (Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association) holds an event where the industry gathers to show new off new gadgets and technology. We’ve been to a few of these and have enjoyed them quite a bit, maybe even more than CES. It takes the parts of CES that we care about and condenses it down to a lot less walking. We didn’t go this year but that won’t stop us from talking about some of the highlights from the show.

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Podcast #547: News and Announcements from IFA 2012

The annual IFA show in Berlin, dubbed “Consumer Electronics Unlimited,” is the second largest consumer tech show in the world - second only to CES in Las Vegas. They are expecting to set new attendance records this year, surpassing the more than 1,400 exhibitors and 239,000 attendees that showed up last year.  Berlin is a bit too far for us to drive, so we have to cover the show virtually.  IFA, or Internationale Funkausstellung, has been around since 1924 and was originally an international radio exhibition.

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