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Podcast #582: Pioneer VSX-70 7.2 Home Theater Receiver

Recently manufacturers announced their new AVR lines. Pioneer was no exception. We were able to obtain one of their entry Elite models the VSX-70. The VSX-70 has an MSRP of $750 and is available now.

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Podcast #581: TV Buying Trends and an Interview with

We like to occasionally take a look at the top selling products at Amazon as a barometer of what is occurring in the larger Consumer Electronics market. Sometimes what we find shocks us, other times is confirms our suspicions, and sometimes it just flat out doesn’t make any sense at all. Yesterday we took a look at the top 10 selling HDTVs. What we found was in some ways surprising, but it certainly wasn’t shocking.

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Podcast #580: Mohu Sky HDTV Antenna

We here at the HDTV and Home Theater Podcast are always looking for new products that make your home theater better. So when we find products that claim to revolutionize something we can’t wait to try them out. We read about the Mohu Sky HDTV Antenna and how it used military technology and kind of chuckled to ourselves about how could that make a difference. Since we were within the specs of the claimed 60 mile radius we decided it was worth yet another antenna test. And yes it does make a difference!

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Podcast #579: Room Correction 101

A lot of emphasis is traditionally placed on buying the best equipment you can afford for your home theater. Ask just about anyone and they’ll tell you to stretch your budget as far as you can, dig deep to make sure you’re getting the right receiver or amplifier, buying those outrageously expensive speakers or paying too much for speaker wire or interconnects. If you do that, your home theater will sound amazing and you’ll be the envy of the neighborhood.

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Podcast #578: Is a 7.1 System Worth it?

We recently received an email from a listener who was asking whether a 7.1 system was something that he should wire his home with. This got us thinking that there are probably a few listeners that may benefit from a discussion on whether a 7.1 system is worth it for them.

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Podcast #577: Roku 3 Review

Despite Roku being the pioneer in modern streaming boxes, the Apple TV has become the device all others are measured by.  But has that changed with the recent release of the Roku 3 just a few weeks ago?  We aren’t sure about that, but we know Roku has certainly become even more compelling.  At only $99, there’s really no downside to it (buy now).

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