A Video from Sony Answering Some Questions from CES
Here is a quick Video produced by Sony Electronics that answers some questions about the CES show from earlier this month.
The HT Guys love their Coffee. If you want to say thanks, a cup of joe will do just fine! You can even make it a recurring subscription, which helps us with the costs of producing the show each week.
Choose your size Small ($6.00) Medium ($8.00) or Large ($10.00)
Or select a Caf-Pow and get a shoutout read on the show
Here is a quick Video produced by Sony Electronics that answers some questions about the CES show from earlier this month.
As many of you know I (Ara) have not been very happy with my VIZIO P702ui-B3 70-Inch UHD. There were three issues that made it hard to watch.
December is the heaviest month for streaming according to Netflix. Verizon FiOS was number one in the US with an average speed of 3.36Mbps and in Canada it was Bell Canada - Fiber Optic with an average speed of 3.49Mbps. Us this link to check out your country's speed index http://ispspeedindex.netflix.com.
This is pretty cool! You can incorporate your Insteon products into Apple's HomeKit and at the same time control non-Insteon devices regarless of brand or type.
If you have no place to hang a projector and you have $100K burning a hole in your pocket Sony has a solution. It looks amazing!!